Data Science Nigeria

White papers

Our white papers are exemplars of insight and innovation in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Meticulously crafted by experts, these documents translate complex concepts into clear, actionable insights. They offer practical solutions and thought leadership, addressing industry challenges and fostering significant progress.

White Papers

Some of Our Award-winning White Papers

A Practical Framework for Building and Managing Digital Crowdsourcing Communities

Digital communities for data crowdsourcing are here to stay. This work presents our tested frameworkfor activation, maintenance, and long-term engagement of digital crowdsourcing communities for datacollection.

Building Geospatial Health Solutions in Emerging Markets Using Meta Data for Good Anonymised Human Mobility Dataset

Taking a long view of human history, some innovations rise and are eventually replaced by new ones, whereas other technologies take hold yet keep evolving overtime. When it comes to the science of information and its place in data-driven decision-making pipelines, the latter is the case.